Sunday, 24 February 2008

Alpine Shrug


So here's my latest finished object. I actually finished it a few weeks ago but I've been waiting for the weather to allow me to take decent pictures. I think it took me about a week to finish, maybe even less. I thought that I'd find it boring knitting four pieces exactly the same, but it knits up so quick, you don't have time to be bored!


The only mod I made was to knit one less repeat than the pattern called for. This was to make sure I didn't run out of wool. My mum had already made one and she had run out so warned me about it. I still ended up using a 6th ball to join the seams! I crocheted the seams rather than sewing them as it just seemed easier. I think my tension must have been quite loose and this was why I used more than 5 balls. It has come out rather huge! I haven't put any kind of fastening on it since I rather like it the way it is. I may add something in the future. It depends how fed up I get with having to hoist it back onto my shoulders all the time.

I finished another project last week but I'm not going to blog about it yet because I'm going to try submitting it. I'm really pleased with how it's turned out, but pattern-writing is tricky! We'll see how it goes. Wish me luck!


Alice said...

Wow, it looks like a giant hug!

Emmanuela said...

It's very pretty. leaves an impression in the mind. :)

Anonymous said...

aww wow!